The first Film Robothon arrives in Valencia. Engineers and makers will join forces with filmmakers in order to create a robot and turn it into one more actor in a short film that they will have to shoot and produce from September 13 to 16 at Las Naves, Innovation Centre.

We bring robotics and cinema together to achieve a great challenge: create a robot and make a short film in four days.

There will only be 8 teams. You can register in 3 different categories: Robot Category, Film Category and RoboFilm Category.


How to do it?

Robot Category: aimed at engineers, makers or robotics fans who are willing to create a robot and join a group of filmmakers to shoot a short film in which the robot they design appears as one of the characters.They will have to do it during the hackathon. Teams of minimum 2 people and maximum 5 must register and we will then make a selection based on their experience and ideas.

Film category: aimed at filmmakers who accept our challenge and work together with a team in the robot category. They must integrate the robot created by their partners as one of the actors and record the short film from September 13 to 16, on which date the robot will be delivered to the organization. They will have one more week to present the finished and post-produced short film.

The teams will also be made up of minimum 2 people and maximum 5 and they will also be selected based on their experience and ideas.

The Robot and Film teams will be shaped by the organization on September 13 at Las Naves.

You can find more detailed information in the Film Robothon Rules.

Check the rules>


Film Robothon has a prize. The effort is rewarded and the teams participating in our challenge will be eligible for the following awards.

The teams whose robot meets all the proposed challenges will get as a reward the components delivered by the organization for its manufacture.

Short films:
The short films created during the Film Robothon will participate in the II Edition of ROS Film Festival ( They will compete for the general award in the Real Robots category and for a specific € 500 prize for the short films made during the Film Robothon.

Do you accept the challenge?