• The film was screened in Cannes and won the audience award in Sitges.
  • The main venues of the festival will be the Teatre Arniches and the MACA.
  • The festival will be held in Alicante from 16 to 27 November.


The 5th Edition of the Robotic​ ​Online​ ​Short​ ​Film​ ​Festival​ ​(ROS​ ​Film​ ​Festival)​ will preview the film “Robot Dreams” by Pablo Berger, out of competition, on November 24th. The film by the award-winning director captivated audiences at the Cannes Film Festival and won the Audience Award at the Sitges Fantastic Film Festival. Robot Dreams, produced by Arcadia Motion Pictures, with whom the director has already worked on Snow White and Abracadabra, will be in cinemas on 6 December. The film’s preview in Alicante will be attended by the composer of the soundtrack, Alfonso Vilallonga, who, like the director, has won several Goya Awards.

“Robot Dreams” will be screened at the Teatre Arniches, which together with the Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante (MACA) will host at the end of November the main activities of the ROS Film Festival, the first festival of short science fiction films with robots in the world. The ROS, which this year celebrates its fifth edition, aims to disseminate stories where robots and Artificial Intelligences, alone or in the company of humans, are the protagonists. The festival will be held from 16 to 27 November at various locations in the city of Alicante and will feature various activities throughout the Festival.

As for short films, the main event will take place at the Teatre Arniches, on the 21st, 22nd, 23rd and 24th of November, when Robot Dreams will also be screened. A total of 60 short films from more than thirty countries will be screened, showing dystopias, robots, artificial intelligences, addictive metaverses and, on some occasions, a delirious sense of critical and deeply acid humour. The ROS screenings will begin on the 16th of November at “Viva la Pepa”, with the compilation “Love, sex and robots”, accompanied by the artist Lidia Na. On Friday 17th at the Fahrenheit 451 bookshop there will be a special session of short films by the Cuban School of Animation (Animados ICAIC), while the third preliminary day will be in the 8 and ½ room, which will host the screening of the video art pieces received on Saturday 18th. Admission in all these cases is free until full capacity is reached.

The ROS Film Festival includes in its programme two performing arts shows where technology is the protagonist. In the first one, “Control Freak” by Kulu Orr, a funny and touching character tries to interact with the audience, while struggling with his social ineptitude and the complex systems on stage. On the other hand, the arrival on Mars of the robot “Perseverance” has served as inspiration for the Alicante dance company Marroch. In “Perseverance”, as well as bringing dance to a younger audience, the piece shows a dystopian world that helps us to become aware of the state of our planet. “Control Freak” and “Perseverance” will take place at the Teatre Arniches on 25th and 26th November respectively. – Tickets .

Another highlight of the festival is the workshop “Artistic Practice in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. From Sempere to the present day”, which will be given by Daniel García Andújar at the MACA. It will explore the wide-ranging possibilities that emerging technologies offer to the artistic field, while paying tribute to a visionary who crossed these frontiers long before they became a trend: Eusebio Sempere. The workshop will take place on 23 and 24 November at 16h. Admission is free with prior registration and capacity is limited to 25 places.

As activities for children and young people, a special selection of short films with robots suitable for children will be screened on the 20th in Aigües de Busot and Crevillente, along with workshops where participants can familiarise themselves with film and robotics. Only for adults will be the party on the 23rd at the Söda Bar. With entertainment by Lorena Sánchez from QUO and the presence of several of the festival’s guests, the audience will be able to enjoy the music videos presented in the competition.

All the audiovisual works are part of the official selection of the ROS, where a jury formed by Javier Ordoñez, Professor of History of Science at the Autonomous University of Madrid and president of the jury; Lorena Sánchez, Editor-in-Chief of QUO magazine; Daniel García Andújar, pioneer of NetArt in Spain; Natalia Pérez-Galdós, writer and science communicator and Edite Felgueiras, science communicator at CERN and Director of the Braga Science Festival, will award €2,000 in prizes. The ROS Film Festival is an original idea of El Caleidoscopio and is funded by the Department of Culture of the Alicante City Council and the Institut Valencià de Cultura of the Generalitat Valenciana.


Posters and trailers


+info: Ricardo Domínguez – 656 181 057
https://rosfilmfestival.com – @rosfilmfestival